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6 Essential Benefits of a Full Body Massage in Perth

The human body requires a great deal of maintenance to help heal damages and boost productivity. The overall health of the body is directly connected to the health of the mind. In a fast-paced lifestyle, it is difficult to take out time for exercise and other activities that helps regulate the body's internal functions. As a result, our mind also suffers from anxiety and stress. With the help of full body massage therapy techniques in Perth, the body's maintenance protocols are triggered which stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, helping cells produce hormones and chemicals that promote regeneration in the body.

A full body massage is an excellent method of cleansing the body of toxins by achieving a complete state of relaxation that activates essential organs, glands and muscles which were otherwise partially dormant.

The Benefits of Getting a Full Body Massage :

Getting a full body massage done is a form of therapy that involves the use of low light, slow music and aromatic incense which brings about an environment of relaxation. There are various benefits to having your complete body fully stimulated such as alleviating the effects of stress on the body. Many other such benefits are mentioned and discussed in the following.

1. Refreshes the Skin:

A full body massage often involves the use of oils to reduce friction, unless it is a Thai massage. Stroking and kneading the skin using oils or lotions can help give it a gentle form of exfoliation. This process facilitates the removal of dead skin cells, allowing newer cells to emerge thereby refreshing the skin.

2. Relaxes the Nervous System:

Relaxation puts the nervous system in a state of rest. This is when the body releases hormones to regulate processes in the body such as the generation of immune cells, menstrual cycle, blood sugar, sleep cycle as well as food consumption. However, when the body detects areas of stress such as tightened muscles putting pressure on the nerves it increases the production of stress hormones like corticosteroids (LDL) while decreasing the production of "feel good" hormones like endorphins. A full body massage helps relieve the tension from the muscles thereby reversing the princess of hormonal production from stress to relaxation.

3. Mobilizes Musculoskeletal Movement:

The muscles in our body are like sponges that expand and contract to perform their functions. While contracting, old blood cells and lymph fluid is pushed out and replaced with fresh blood carrying oxygen, nutrition and immune cells that rejuvenate the muscle. A full body massage can help boost this process of musculoskeletal movement through a range of different massaging motions such as stroking, kneading and stretching. These techniques are highly beneficial for relieving pressure in places where the movement needs to be boosted, for instance, the tendons and ligaments of the body.

4. Detoxification of the Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system is responsible for optimizing the functioning of our body's immune system by maintaining a balance between the fluid levels in our tissue. The largest groups of lymph in the human body are concentrated mostly around the armpits, neck and groin. A massage therapist flushes blood through the lymphatic system by gently massaging the nodes, draining the system of lymph and dead blood cells. This lymph can comprise harmful pathogens and bodily waste. Accelerating the flow of lymph through massaging decreases the retention of damaging fluids in the body.

5. Improves Digestive Functioning:

Stress can often lead to indigestion, but applying full body massage therapy techniques in Perth can help improve digestion immensely. Digestion is usually regulated with the help of the parasympathetic nervous system which produces chemicals such as gastric juices, insulin and saliva. These chemicals facilitate 'peristalsis' that helps food move more smoothly along the intestines.

Full body massages like the Swedish Massage include an optional abdominal massage that regulates the final stages of digestion in the large intestine. This enables food to move more smoothly through the digestive system including the stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines, enabling these organs to work together in unison promoting maximum nutrient absorption.

6. Improves Cardiovascular Functioning:

Massaging has proven super effective in keeping the heart healthy and happy. A full body massage produces an effect on the heart called vasodilatation which boosts the venous return in the heart. This increases oxygen delivery and blood flow to all the organs throughout the body. As a result, the entire cardiovascular system goes into a relaxed state improving the overall circulation in the body; activating the parasympathetic nervous system and regulating heart rate and blood pressure.

The concentration of tension in the body is most focused on areas like the chest, neck, and shoulders. This is where a full-body massage therapist does their magic by alleviating pressure from these areas, enabling the individual to breathe better. Breathing helps to further release tension from the muscles which also helps the therapist do their job better.


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